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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Decrease Pain Through Weight-Loss, Fat-Loss, Brooklyn NY

Articles from Brooklyn Voice:

JULY 2010, Page 30


Do you need extra motivation to lose those extra pounds you've put on over the last year? Are you frustrated that the weight is getting harder to lose?
Stop guessing and start learning!

Not only lose weight but LEARN why you lost the weight so you never have to pay for a "FAD Diet" again... correct knowledge is power, the internet is NOT a reference and many contain misinformation. The quarterly contest run is a scientifically based program that measures overall percentage of body mass lost over 3 months to decide the winner. The winner receives a multitude of prizes besides good health! Spa prizes include: Vegan spa manicure, organic facial with skincare consultation, 10-free movement studio classes, 3-months of nutritional maintenance, and a ‘reveal the new you’ party at the HOM store on 3rd Ave between 88th and 89th Streets. As of now the contest has already started but you can still take part in the program which is the same thing except its not a competition and the price is cheaper.

In the past, those participating in the contest or program lost 10-11.5% of body mass in 3-months, which equaled between 18-28 pounds!! This is perfect for those needing an extra bit of motivation to help lose those extra pounds. For more in depth details go to or call 800.980.9172 to speak to someone now!

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