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Monday, May 4, 2009

Decompression Therapy, Sciatica Brooklyn, Herniated Disk Brooklyn, Pain Management Brooklyn

What is decompression therapy? Chances are if you have a herniated disc or suffer from sciatica you have at least heard of this type of treatment. Decompression therapy is generally the last form of treatment I will exhaust on a patient before they decide to have surgery and go "under the knife." I always recommend that you try every option to avoid surgery (Chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, trigger point injections, or a combo of all these), especially if you are younger then 40 years of age. Whether or not you decide to have surgery it is always good to have a surgical consult to know what your options are if you are suffering from immense pain or neurologic compromise. Just remember that surgeons are in the business of doing surgery, so don't be surprised if that is the Doctor's first course of action!

Decompression therapy uses gentle distraction forces to create unloading of the spine and discs to improve blood flow and promote increased nutrient exchange in the injured area. The theory is that the traction of the disc creates a negative pressure within the disc which then causes the nucleus pulposes to move back into the center of the disc. A disc herniation can be visualized by using a jelly donut, the jelly would be compared to the semi-liquid inside of the disc called the nucleus pulposes. When a disc herniates the jelly leaks out or squirts out of the disc (Most commonly out the back) and this "jelly" substance is extremely irritating to the nerves, muscles, and ligaments around the affected area. This is referred to as a "hot disc" in the medical community and can cause people tremendous pain and inability to walk or perform normal activities of daily living. Once the disc is herniated is is argued that the disc itself will never be the same again, this is not to say that you cannot heal the area, but the process takes dedication and the patient will probably need to perform some type of core strengthening in addition to any regular exercise one performs for the rest of they're lives. Hear a real testimonial from a patient whose life changed after SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY BROOKLYN, NY.

Decompression therapy is an advanced form of traction that cycles through different poundage's of pull gradually to create a pumping motion to decrease inflammation and alleviate pressure to allow the healing process to take place. Along with this therapy it is very important to note that the success of this treatment is dependent on the flexibility, core strengthening, and bio-mechanical correction the patient undergoes to ensure the problem does not come back. I have treated many patients that have reached a point where they feel no pain but because they did not continue doing the post treatment protocols I needed to treat them again 3 months later when they're symptoms returned.

Spinal Decompression therapy is a pain free alternative that has shown a high rate of success in reducing or eliminating back and neck pain. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating, low back pain or neck pain it is worth finding out if you are a candidate for this type of treatment. Treatment usually lasts between 20-30 minutes and treatment plans can range between 8-25 treatments depending on the severity of the patients problems. Please feel free to email me with questions or follow the PAIN MANAGEMENT BROOKLYN, NY provided to see if this cutting edge technology can help you get rid of your pain once and for all! The office location is in the Heart of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn at The Spa and Wellness Center. This center offers all the amenities of a typical spa but also includes nutritional services, pain management, Cutera Laser system for aesthetics run by an MD, pilates, and so much more.

To see if your MEDICAL INSURANCE BROOKLYN, NY partially covers this cutting edge therapy please submit your insurance data in the link provided. Staff will contact you regarding your coverage as soon as they know.

Dr. Gordon

Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.

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