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Friday, May 15, 2009

Sports Injury 101, Injury Prevention Brooklyn, Injury Care Brooklyn, Chronic Vs. Acute Injury

So you hurt yourself working out and training... so what? What else is new? As my high school coach used to ask me "Are you hurt? or are you injured?" So lets find out if there is cause for concern or if your just whining... Waaaaa

So whats the difference between a chronic or acute injury?

An acute injury is a first time injury OR the first 24-72 hours of an repetitive injury. The most important factor when determining acuteness of injury is inflammation (Swelling), generally the greater the swelling the greater the immediate threat to the body part affected. Chronic injuries are ones that occur often, for example, rolling over an ankle 4 times over 3 years would classify your ankle sprain as a chronic ankle sprain. Chronic injury's don's usually have a great deal of swelling associated with the injury. Chronic low back pain will affect about 85% of the population in they're lifetime, so LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOUR BACK FROM INJURY BROOKLYN, NY

Injury Care: Ice vs. Heat

Ice: (first 24 hours)
***Always ice an injury if there is swelling***
Just remember the acronym RICE:
R = Rest
I = Ice 15-20 min. on and a hour off and repeat until swelling decreases
C = Compression
E = Elevation (If its an ankle, use a few pillows to raise the leg above chest)

Never use heat on an acute injury! This will cause increased swelling of the area!
2-4 days after an acute injury it is safe to put heat on a muscle. Heat will increase blood flow and help relax a muscle. A heating pad is a fantastic investment for anyone active or has arthritis, heat works well on arthritic joints.

Another cutting edge technology in speeding up the healing process and decreasing inflammation is using a COLD LASER BROOKLYN, NY

Seek help from a professional if pain persists or gets worse, if you are experiencing neurological symptoms (Numbness/tingling/radiating pain) seek professional help immediately,
Examples: Chiropractor, physical therapist, orthopedist, athletic trainer, personal trainers.... Aunt Sally is not a professional!

Burnout is also a common cause for incidental injury... Let me share a story with you. I have a friend that works out sporadically but wants to make it into a habit. I asked him what he typically does for a workout and he replied: ‘I usually go to the gym in the morning to do cardiovascular work for 30-60 minutes, and then I go back after work and train for about 2 hours. I do this about 6 days a week during the summer and if I don’t have enough time to go to the gym twice I’ll tack the cardio on at the end of my workout, about 2.5 hours in the gym.

This is a prime example of a regimen that most people would not be able to follow for longer than 2-3 months. Dedicated bodybuilders follow a regimen similar to this and near competition time, believe me, my friends when they competed didn't see much fun in restricting their carbohydrates and working out this long and hard to get ready for show. Plus I avoided them like the plague because lets just say they were not full of smiles. This is a bodybuilder who does this professionally or as a serious hobby, not the common patient just trying to look better and get stronger, more is not always better!

Burn out is a dangerous obstacle that can keep an individual from reaching their full potential. If you only work out hard for 2 months, take a 2 month break, and so on; it is not as effective as being consistent and working out on a weekly routine for a year. It also helps keep you from repeating the first 2 weeks back in the gym when your whole body is aching and you feel like staying in bed because your tired and it feels like you got run over by a truck. Burn out can be manifested in symptoms such as: Fatigue, lack of motivation, and lack of concentration while working out (Are you thinking about your next set of exercises or are you thinking about where you want to go out Saturday night?). Eventually over exercising can lead to a few different negative results: Cessation of exercise, injury, and/or improper form while exercising (“Just going through the movements to say you went to the gym”).

The best injury care is to prevent it form happening, but once its happened be patient and stick to your rehab, just because you feel better does not mean the area is completely healed. I can't list how many patients I have that are re-addressing old sports injuries they suffered in their twenties in their mid 40's because they did not properly rehab that knee when the ACL was reconstructed or strengthen the back when they were diagnosed with a disc bulge 15 years ago.

Injury prevention and care is about listening to your body and being consistent in your rehab exercises.... are we seeing something about consistency in regards to nutrition? Exercise? Lifestyle management? Stress management? etc...? Anyone? Beuller? The best offense is a good defense and by that same concept the best way to avoid re-occurring pain is INJURY PREVENTION BROOKLYN, NY, follow the link to find out if your insurance will help ensure you stay free of injuries and stop the cycle of pain. To stay up to date with the latest treatment and care for NUTRITION AND EXERCISE BROOKLYN, NY, visit the link to connect you to the latest blogs and news related to HEALTH AND WELLNESS BROOKLYN, NY.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Working Out Smarter! Not Harder! Optimize Your Workouts, Exercise Training Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Heath & Wellness

I am going to preface this tidbit with the assumption that everyone that works out in whatever fashion (Pilates, weight-training, walking, etc...) is giving 100%, and not, please pardon my language, half-assed. Remember that men naturally have more testosterone then females so by bio-chemical make up a female MUST workout more intensely then a male in order boost testosterone to build the same lean muscle mass as a male... I know, it sucks, but that's the consequence of the ability to give birth to children, higher levels of estrogen and naturally higher level of body fat percentage. This is why many of my female patients complain that it harder to lose weight compared to they're husband even though they are following the same nutritional recommendations I gave them.

You know that person at the gym running on the treadmill every time you’re there—the whole time? Is it you? Clearly they are dedicated and determined to burn calories, but why aren’t they loosing weight? They don’t know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

What is Metabolism? Metabolism is the sum of all physical and chemical changes in one’s body. In regards to nutrition and exercise It is a level of energy expenditure, for example: Basal metabolism is the lowest caloric energy requirement for your body at rest, while carbohydrate metabolism is the changes that occur within your body during the breakdown and synthesis of carb’s in the body.

Aerobic metabolism requires OXYGEN and the heart rate to remain within a specific ‘fat-burning zone’ for at least fifteen minutes. Running, swimming and *rowing are just a few examples of aerobic exercise, an effective way to burn the body’s fat storage's.
Anaerobic metabolism does not require oxygen and occurs during physical activities performed for shorter periods of time. Weight or power lifting, *pilates, and bodybuilding are a few examples of anaerobic activities.

* Certain exercises can have both aerobic and anaerobic components, and the intensity level and heart rate at which perform this exercise will also effect its ability to burn fat, learn how to BURN FAT more effectively!

Why It Matters:

Calories are burned throughout the duration of an aerobic work out, for example running. Once the activity is completed, calorie burning also ceases. In contrast, during anaerobic activities, such as resistance training (Weight training), Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption, or EPOC occurs within the body and increases the amount of lean muscle mass present. Studies show that EPOC ensures that calories continue to burn for 24-72 hours, even during the resting and healing phases, which are essential to a successful program. Lean muscle makes you stronger, helps prevent injury and as a result improves your overall health.

To make the most of your workout, it is recommended that aerobic exercise be performed after anaerobic activities because the combination is more effective than either alone. Also, finding an activity that you enjoy and are passionate about will keep you motivated. Martial arts, yoga, pilates and most sports are just a few examples of activities containing both aerobic and anaerobic periods of exercise. Also consider enlist the support of a professional who can help monitor your progress by measuring your body fat. Any questions, please feel free to contact me! Learn the tricks to PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT by following the link or calling 800.980.9172 to talk to a staff member and set up a time to discuss how to reach all your health goals.

Dr. Gordon

Friday, May 8, 2009

The CORE Muscles, Stength & Conditioning, Brooklyn, Protect Your Back From Pain

You hear it all the time... Keep your core tight, make sure your core is strong, this exercise focuses on your core, that does that mean? I will try and break it down for you to understand.

In the most basic terms your body has 3 types of muscles: Prime movers, stabilizers, and involuntary muscle. Prime movers are muscles such as your biceps while your carrying boxes or your glutes and quadriceps when performing a squat exercise. Stabilizers are muscles that are usually closest to the joints and give your body the support it needs to stay upright and balanced. These muscles are ‘pre-anticipatory’, meaning, they fire before you perform an activity to make sure you don’t fall over from imbalance. These stabilizers or postural muscles are what enables humans to walk upright compared to other animals such as chimps. Involuntary muscle examples are your heart and diaphragm, those muscles can act without your thought.

The ‘core’ musculature is the most neglected muscle group in America today. The ‘lower core’ is located in the abdominal region extending into the back, diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. The average American spends the majority of their day either sitting at a desk. The chair they sit in does not offer a challenge to your muscles so they relax, most commonly, your gluteus maximus or “rear-end” and your low back stabilizers. Over time these muscles de-condition (Lose muscle tone and strength) and eventually no longer have the ability to stabilize your spine properly and other body parts leading to pain and/or injury. INJURY PREVENTION BROOKLYN, NY is a link that will help you diagnosis and treat minor injuries such as sprain/strains. The information contained in that link combined with the core exercises outlined in this article will help ensure you decrease the chances of hurting yourself.

Think about building a house. The most crucial part of the house is the foundation, if you look at your body; it is similar to a pyramid. Stabilization occupies the base upon which you build strength and then finally power at the very top. Stabilization is what will keep you from “throwing your back out” next time you have to lift boxes, or aggravating a past injury that might not have been with proper rehabilitation.

‘Core stabilization’ should eventually become second nature while working out and throughout your active day. Once the process is learned it is a technique that uses bio-mechanical positioning to effectively combat the one factor none of us on earth can disregard... GRAVITY. Gravity is a force that is always working against you, and your posture and positioning will dictate how much of a positive or negative influence it will have on your body. If you have poor posture and tend to lean your head forward while in front of your computer, over years and years the ‘core’ muscles that stabilize your head to your neck will slowly become weaker and weaker due to repetitive stress, eventually leading to neck pain and perhaps headaches.

‘Core Stabilization’ involves exercises that directly focus on a particular muscle, balance training (proprioceptive training), and functional training. Balance training is crucial because this keeps your body from getting injured, while functional training prepares your body for movements that are similar to what you perform on a daily basis.

The ‘core’ is what every knowledgeable trainer of any type of exercise should always account for and test to ensure acceptable strength and conditioning. This comes into play even more importantly with those people who have prior injures, surgeries, health conditions, and/or lack of experience in exercise. Anyone rehabbing an injury or addressing a pain management issue should be building up their core muscles within the treatment protocol. You can learn the first steps to POSTURE CORRECTION AND EXERCISE BROOKLYN, NY by entering the insurance information in the link. This type of bio-mechanical treatment can be covered by your medical insurance. Choose the path to pain elimination not just addressing the symptoms.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chiropractor Brooklyn, NY, Pain Management Brooklyn, Neck Pain Brooklyn, Back Pain Brooklyn

Chiropractors come from a wide range of backgrounds and each has they're own unique method of treatment, but whether they use applied kinesiology or activator technique, they all have one thing in common; a belief in a non-surgical approach to pain management. This does not mean I am against surgery or even medications, but I believe in trying different methods to find the root cause of the problem and not just cover up the symptoms. In some cases surgery is the only plausible option, but in many cases surgery is used too quickly and without exhausting other resources available first.

The main long-term goals I treat my patients for includes: 1. The elimination and prevention of all types of body pain 2. Strengthen the body by increasing your lean muscle mass and improve flexibility to reach optimal muscle lengths 3. Lifestyle protocols to make sure the problem never returns (This ranges from postural training to physical therapy techniques to do from home). The short-term goal is usually to get out of acute pain, eliminate chronic pain, lose 20-30 pounds, and/or increase strength & flexibility. I focus on PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE BROOKLYN, NY for all my patients.

Optimal muscle lengths are very important to bio-mechanics because a muscle can only function properly if it is the correct length. Its called the "Goldie Locks effect." Your muscle cannot be too short or too long, it needs to be just right to function optimally. A tight muscle ends up putting more stress on a joint then normally causing pain and dysfunction, while a loose muscle does not provide the stability or strength a normally sized one produces. An example is a person who has forward rolled shoulders and horrible posture. All the muscles in the back, the trapezius m, shoulder stabilizers (Rhomboid minor/major), and rotator cuff in the shoulder become elongated and weak due to the forward rolling of the shoulders. While the muscles in the front, pectoralis m, SCM, scalenes, and the levator scapulae (located in the back) become overworked and tight, sometimes causing headaches. And if it wasn't enough that the muscles mentioned above become short or lengthened, the deep neck flexor muscles (The 'core' muscles of the neck) become weak and inhibited. These deep neck muscles are responsible for posture and keeping your neck in an upright position, when these become weak your entire bio-mechanical structure breaks down causing chronic pain.

So what do chiropractors do exactly? Well, we do much more then just "crack bones." The cracking and clicking you sometimes hear is just nitrogen bubbles being released within your joints when the area is moved through is physiological range of motion. The chiropractic adjustment is designed to provide passive movement to a joint to help facilitate proper movement and bio-mechanics. There has been excellent research to back up the use of JOINT MOBILIZATION BROOKLYN, NY, used effectively with cases involving osteoarthritis. When your joint or muscle experiences pain the first thing your body does is to tighten the area up so the movement is decreased thereby causing less pain. Now that the area's range of motion has decreased its bio-mechanical motion has been compromised. Compromised bio-mechanical movement then causes more pain which then causes the muscle to tighten up even more creating a "viscous circle of pain." A chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, physical therapist, and other muskuloskeletal specialists attempt to break this viscous cycle; by adjusting the area, applying massage & muscle stripping to loosen the surrounding area around the joint, and/or increase the Chi (Energy) flowing through in area the practitioner attempts to break the cycle of pain and restore normal range of motion back into the area in question. It has been theorized that the adjustment itself, through the use of passive motion techniques, increases the synovial fluid in the surrounding joints that are being treated therefore adding to and speeding up the healing process.

When finding a chiropractor be sure that during the history and physical examination not only are you completely comfortable with the practitioner but that they actually physically touch and test your body for bio-mechanical dysfunction. You would not believe the amount of patients I treat that have been to multiple MD's, PT's, and Chiropractors that never laid a finger on them. My profession is called physical medicine for a reason! How can you possible tell if a patient has a stiff neck if you never actually palpate the neck and look for restricted joint movement ?!?

Don't be afraid to ask questions, this holds true for any doctor or professional you plan to hire. If you are afraid of getting your neck adjusted (Cracked), have to doctor explain the process to you and ease you into the technique. If you are really too scared to have anyone move your neck like that... don't worry, all is not lost, there are still plenty of other treatment options you can have done that will help decrease neck pain. If your not satisfied with the answer or you don't like the "bedside" manner of the practitioner, don't be afraid to leave and look for another one. A second opinion never hurt, and any doctor that tells you otherwise is suspect right off the bat.

Chiropractic is a wonderful tool that must be utilized with proper flexibility training, core strengthening, and postural training in order to be completely successful. Just getting a massage is not enough, just getting adjusted is not enough, the doctor needs to find the root cause of the problem and address it through the use of adjusting, massage, stretching, physical therapy, and eventually home exercises to prevent the problem from re-occurring. Remember that physical health is a dynamic process that requires a pro-active approach.

Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns about CHIROPRACTOR BROOKLYN, NY to learn more about what I do!

Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Decompression Therapy, Sciatica Brooklyn, Herniated Disk Brooklyn, Pain Management Brooklyn

What is decompression therapy? Chances are if you have a herniated disc or suffer from sciatica you have at least heard of this type of treatment. Decompression therapy is generally the last form of treatment I will exhaust on a patient before they decide to have surgery and go "under the knife." I always recommend that you try every option to avoid surgery (Chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, trigger point injections, or a combo of all these), especially if you are younger then 40 years of age. Whether or not you decide to have surgery it is always good to have a surgical consult to know what your options are if you are suffering from immense pain or neurologic compromise. Just remember that surgeons are in the business of doing surgery, so don't be surprised if that is the Doctor's first course of action!

Decompression therapy uses gentle distraction forces to create unloading of the spine and discs to improve blood flow and promote increased nutrient exchange in the injured area. The theory is that the traction of the disc creates a negative pressure within the disc which then causes the nucleus pulposes to move back into the center of the disc. A disc herniation can be visualized by using a jelly donut, the jelly would be compared to the semi-liquid inside of the disc called the nucleus pulposes. When a disc herniates the jelly leaks out or squirts out of the disc (Most commonly out the back) and this "jelly" substance is extremely irritating to the nerves, muscles, and ligaments around the affected area. This is referred to as a "hot disc" in the medical community and can cause people tremendous pain and inability to walk or perform normal activities of daily living. Once the disc is herniated is is argued that the disc itself will never be the same again, this is not to say that you cannot heal the area, but the process takes dedication and the patient will probably need to perform some type of core strengthening in addition to any regular exercise one performs for the rest of they're lives. Hear a real testimonial from a patient whose life changed after SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY BROOKLYN, NY.

Decompression therapy is an advanced form of traction that cycles through different poundage's of pull gradually to create a pumping motion to decrease inflammation and alleviate pressure to allow the healing process to take place. Along with this therapy it is very important to note that the success of this treatment is dependent on the flexibility, core strengthening, and bio-mechanical correction the patient undergoes to ensure the problem does not come back. I have treated many patients that have reached a point where they feel no pain but because they did not continue doing the post treatment protocols I needed to treat them again 3 months later when they're symptoms returned.

Spinal Decompression therapy is a pain free alternative that has shown a high rate of success in reducing or eliminating back and neck pain. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating, low back pain or neck pain it is worth finding out if you are a candidate for this type of treatment. Treatment usually lasts between 20-30 minutes and treatment plans can range between 8-25 treatments depending on the severity of the patients problems. Please feel free to email me with questions or follow the PAIN MANAGEMENT BROOKLYN, NY provided to see if this cutting edge technology can help you get rid of your pain once and for all! The office location is in the Heart of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn at The Spa and Wellness Center. This center offers all the amenities of a typical spa but also includes nutritional services, pain management, Cutera Laser system for aesthetics run by an MD, pilates, and so much more.

To see if your MEDICAL INSURANCE BROOKLYN, NY partially covers this cutting edge therapy please submit your insurance data in the link provided. Staff will contact you regarding your coverage as soon as they know.

Dr. Gordon

Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.

Cold Laser Therapy Brooklyn, Stop Cravings Brooklyn, Sports Injuries Brooklyn

COLD LASER THERAPY BROOKLYN, NY has many documented benefits. It uses a low level laser wavelength to increase energy production by stimulating the mitochondria. It can be compared to the way the human body absorbs vitamin D from the sunlight. Your body absorbs the light energy and converts it to chemical energy to assist in the production of energy in the body. The most common ailments I have treated are musculo-skeletal complaints. The following conditions have been shown to respond very well to cold laser therapy:

*Herniated Discs


*Chronic Neck Pain

*Myofascial Pain Syndromes

*Shoulder Pain

*Epicondylitis (tennis/golfer’s elbow)

*Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

*Low Back Pain


*Sports Injury

*Achilles Tendonitis


*Plantar Fasciatis

One of the benefits that are being explored not listed above regarding cold laser treatment, is the stimulation of acupuncture points to facilitate systemic reactions and attack issues such as carbohydrate craving control. The laser stimulates points that produce a chemical effect throughout the body, which in turn decreases a patients craving for sweets or nicotine. This type of therapy has been utilized by acupuncture for hundreds of years. The Cold Laser brings a new age solution to an old school concept.

With patients becoming increasingly educated and more involved in their medical care they are opting for safer, non-invasive and drug free alternatives to treatment of pain.

The clinical results and patient benefits of cold laser, also known as low level laser therapy, are only realized when the proper laser equipment and parameter is used. Don’t be fooled by inferior laser therapy equipment. At Optimum Healthcare NY we are dedicated to integrating our unique manual therapy approaches to patient care with cutting edge technologies in rehabilitative medicine and nutritional sciences. We use Cold Laser technology, decompression therapy, and advanced nutritional evaluation to determine a specific treatment protocol for each new patient.

Nutrition plays a much larger role in pain management then most people realize. All the pain modulators are controlled chemically and food you put into your mouth can have a direct impact on how you feel and your level of body pain. It is not a cliché to say, ‘you are what you eat.’ As more research shows that low-grade inflammation is the root cause of almost all disease; it is important to arm yourself with the knowledge to counteract this dangerous cascade of chemical events within your body.

Please feel free to contact me regarding cold laser therapy and find out how this cutting edge technology can help you! Follow the link about COLD LASER TREATMENT BROOKLYN, NY to provide insurance information for staff to check your coverage

Dr. G