Environmental pollutants reduce the efficacy of medical treatment. There is little hope for nutritional supplements to do their job properly if the body is burdened with toxins!
The success of any therapy depends on a correct diagnosis. Before a diagnosis can be given a doctor must take into account all potential factors. Sometimes doctors and research don't take into account the simplest factors that exist because they are practically impossible to objectively measure all at once: ENVIRONMENTAL AND PHYSICAL TOXICITY, STRESS, ENERGY, NUTRITION, AND EMOTIONS But you ask any doctor and they well tell you these are the most important factors!
Studies on toxicity have shown that environmental factors rank high among the causes of acute and chronic diseases. This means, heavy metals and environmental pollutants play a particular role. Think about the air you breathe in New York City, what happened physically to the hero's, the 911 first responders? Having entered the human e.g. via air pollutants, food items, amalgam fillings, and water supply the rates of their absorption will depend on what you do to counteract it and how often you are subjected to these substances.
Body toxicity in relation to causing diseases has been estimated, unfortunately no precise studies exist to date. As early 1974, at a medical congress organized by the World Health Organization in Florence/Italy, environmental contamination was being considered as a cause for many diseases. The controversial topic of mercury amalgam fillings is a no brainer for me even with few "scientific studies" to validate a claim. You have mercury in your teeth, which is a substance that can be a liquid at room temperature, when you drink something hot you don't think there is some type of bodily reaction going on over time? If it's mercury and your body, they should not mix.
No one can eliminate all toxins from there body nor can keep themselves completely free from absorbing whats around you.. alcohol.. prescription pills..THE WATER!
NYC is a city where everyone wants everything done yesterday, in the fast paced world of "eat and run" there has been a trend for the food industry companies to make foods that require little effort or time.
Most of these prepared or semi- prepared meals in a box contain preservatives, colorings and other additives that make things like 'macaroni and cheese' taste better and increase shelf life. Unfortunately many of these additives may have serious side effects that consumers should be aware of. Here is a small list of the more common preservatives in foods.
Aspartame (artificial sweetener, Equal or Nutra-Sweet)
Aspartame is used as a sugar substitute in many "diet" drinks and sweets. Its made of amino acids, methanol (a known poison) and phenylalanine.
BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroyandisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
BHA and BHT keep foods containing oils and fats from going rancid. The WHO (World Heath Organization) considers them carcinogens. BHA and BHT are not necessary in foods and can be avoided by safer chemicals like Vitamin E. These additives are found in potato chips, cereal, crackers and Quaker Granola Bars to name a few.
Colorings (Blue 1 and 2; Red 2,3 and 40; Yellow 5 and 6)
Red 3 has caused thyroid tumors in rats, according to the FDA, which has recommended that the coloring be BANNED. Yellow 5 has been known to cause mild allergies in aspirin sensitive people. Yellow 6 may have links to cancer and tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney and may also cause allergic reaction. Most food dyes are found in junk food, candies, Kraft Dinner and soft drinks. Maraschino cherries, found in fruit cocktails, contain Red 3.
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
MSG is an amino acid that brings out the flavor by activating taste buds, allowing food producers to reduce the amount of real flavorings or ingredients, making it cheaper to produce.
Reactions can include headaches, nausea, burning sensations in the back of the neck, wheezing and difficulty breathing, all of which are increased in the situation of an allergy. MSG is not hard to find. Many Asian and non-Asian restaurants use it! Is that why dim sum is sooo good? It's also commonly found in soups (Campbell's uses it frequently), salad dressings, chips, frozen dinners, and HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein). MSG has been proven to be a NEUROTOXIN: That means that is causes NERVE DEATH when used for long periods of time.
No one can eliminate all toxins from their environment, but everyone can decrease the accumulation of these substances by just reading the ingredient list on your foods.... You can also naturally cleanse your body by following DETOXIFICATION PROTOCOL :) Happy eating!
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