SO by now if you haven't been at least familiar with baseballs steroid scandal your either living under a rock in the middle of nowhere or someone that does not come in contact with humans. I've read articles touting the benefits and the negative repercussions of this hormone. I've seen it first hand with the size of Barry Bonds head growth in the last 8 years... its as large as a pillow. This does not happen after you go through puberty unless you have a tumor of the pituitary gland that causes a chemical imbalance in your body. But whats most interesting to think about is the effects of this hormone on the longevity and lean muscle growth. Its easy to see why Debbie Cleman's caved into the curiosity of injecting it before her swimsuit appearance in Sports Illustrated. We have athletes , actors and actresses, military, gymrats, and even doctors admitting to the use of this hormone for a variety of reasons. There is a growing population of doctors that believe in the prescription use of this hormone to increase vitality in certain demographics and ages. So do all of these reasons make a valid argument versus the negative effects.
Well it starts with the benefits of increased amounts of this hormone:
Increases energy, endurance, recovery, and immune function
Reduces fat accumulation and builds lean body mass
Lowers blood pressure
Increases cardiac function and cholesterol profiles
Improves libido and sexual performance
Can reverse the aging process
Improves mood and sleeping patterns
Learn more about GROWTH HORMONE BROOKLYN, NY, learn how HGH works in your body and how it effects you.
Hmmm, those sound like some of the most common complaints possible in the human lifetime.
SO the negatives
Taken in large amounts can cause abnormal bone and tumor growth. Think Barry Bonds' melon... or making that little benign prostate growth spurt up like a plant in a flower pot
Possibly develop unsafe cortisol levels in the body
Swelling, increased pain from arthritis, and carpal tunnel have been side effects mentioned in HGH studies in higer amounts.
You def. need to have a full examination to determine if you have any growths that may be sped up with this type of hormone use, even with the natural Secretagogues. Females are at a bit of a natural disadvantage when aiming to gain more lean muscle mass, they have lower amounts of testosterone and have a higher body percentage because of their hormones. That is why intensity level is paramount during exercise for women to gain more muscle.
Spot reducing is another use for HGH injections. Everyone should know by now there is no such thing as just getting rid of your stomach, or just making your face appear thinner. Your body loses fat as a whole, not in a region, so stop doing 1000 sit-ups a day and focus more on your nutrition to get that 6-pack. If spot reducing was possible people who chew lots of gum would all have thin faces.... def. not the case. But HGH injections can reduce the amount of fat cells in a specific area very similar to the way liposuction can.
So with all these benefits listed, am I an advocate for HGH use? Well the jury is still out and I don't think most people are responsible enough to use it correctly (doctors included!). You'll have rationalization... just like Andy Pettite... he's taken it to come back from injury quicker, but insists he's not a cheater. Well Andy, the fact that you've taken it to recover quickly has put you in a category different then other athletes and therefore gave you an unfair advantage. I do applaud him for being the few on the Mitchell report to actually acknowledge the allegations. but he cheated... But if you were getting paid millions of dollars to play a sport you love and were desperate would you have???? Hmmmm....
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Be a Fat Burning Machine! Weight-loss Brooklyn, Burn Fat Brooklyn, Exercise Brooklyn
So what's the most effective way to burn fat during exercise? Some say to do cardio before lifting weights others, say the opposite. Ask many "bodybuilders" in the gym what kind of work out schedule they have, and many will answer one body part per day. This can be a very effective workout for a male looking to compete in bodybuilding but not necessarily so for a female looking to lose a few pounds and add some extra tone to the body. Obviously this type of regimen is also not geared for SPORTS SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT BROOKLYN, NY. Follow the link to learn about specific tools (Resting Metabolic Rate testing, VO2 MAX testing, Body fat %...) that can be used to develop a fitness program for the beginner as well as an expert! How can this personalized approach help you? and why does the way I work out matter?
Workouts are specific to the individual and their goals, but there are helpful guidelines to reach these goals. As a general rule for beginners or someone who is looking to maximize weight loss, resistance strength training exercises should ALWAYS be done before cardiovascular and aerobic activity. The reason behind this is quite simple. Carbohydrates are stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen (long chains of carbohydrates) and are used for energy first when exercising. If you start your workout with long aerobic activity you must burn off this muscle glycogen first before reaching your fat storages. When you start to strength train your body moves to an anaerobic state of exercise (little or no oxygen), therefore limiting the total amount of fat you burn. Remember, to burn fat optimally you need oxygen! There are many exercises and sports are both aerobic and anaerobic, but in most cases weight training, especially with heavy weights, is generally anaerobic. That is why you must consider this factor when developing or following a program. Your intensity level will also naturally be decreased because you have used up energy during aerobic activity which in turn will reduce the amount of testosterone your body produces because there is a direct correlation between intensity of training with testosterone production, part of the reason why working out your legs is so important when trying trying to gain strength & power. These factors will then affect how quickly you gain strength and produce Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption E.P.O.C. (E.P.O.C. is what makes weight bearing exercises a great fat burner, studies show you continue to burn calories after you lift weights for up to 72 hours!) If you perform strength training before aerobic activity you burn off all the muscle glycogen stores and circulating carb's in your blood during training. This sets your body up to be a strictly fat burning machine during the time you devote to aerobic exercise (oxygen required activity) because there is nothing left to burn except fat. This is taking into account you know what heart rate zone you should be exercising in to optimize fat loss. In addition, your workouts will be more intense because your energy levels are higher creating even greater E.P.O.C. For those people that are already have advanced exercise training (Collegiate athletes) or gym experience a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise that stresses heart levels both above and below your anaerobic threshold should be performed. The recommendation made above is focused on those people with beginners to novice level gym experience. Once your knowledge is advanced change in workouts and movements should be made. Follow this link to FITNESS PROGRAMS BROOKLYN, NY to take a look at a pre-season micro-cycle of training that gives you a variety of exercises that are sport specific movements, flexibility & balance training, increasing power, strength training, and plyometrics.
Once you have the basics mastered you can learn about high interval intensity training, plyometrics, and other advanced multi-functional exercises. All bets are off once you graduate from a beginner... you need to try new things and vary the types of exercise to maximize results. Remember to always keep your intensity high, go hard or don't go at all! Follow this link about WEIGHT-LOSS BROOKLYN, NY to calculate your BMI and find out how to reach those weight-loss and aesthetic goals! You can check and see if your insurance covers any of your desired services.
One of the most important meals is the one you consume after working out, especially right after the type of combined training described above. Bodybuilders might tell you the absolute importance of protein when working out, and even though bodybuilders have a larger need to gain lean muscle mass the need for proper low glycemic index carbohydrates containing fiber and a combination of essential fatty acids. You can learn more about NUTRITION BROOKLYN, NY; follow that link to my blogs about nutrition and wellness,
Remember that nutrition is about making permanent lifestyle changes, not short term "FAD" diets. For in depth NUTRITION AND WELLNESS PROGRAMS BROOKLYN, NY follow that link to see structured programs that educate you on how to lose the weight and keep it off instead of following a list of pre-made "diet" foods filled with artificial and suspect ingredients or unsafe crash dieting plans that end up just making your weight yo-yo. Work hard or go home! GOOD LUCK!
Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.
Workouts are specific to the individual and their goals, but there are helpful guidelines to reach these goals. As a general rule for beginners or someone who is looking to maximize weight loss, resistance strength training exercises should ALWAYS be done before cardiovascular and aerobic activity. The reason behind this is quite simple. Carbohydrates are stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen (long chains of carbohydrates) and are used for energy first when exercising. If you start your workout with long aerobic activity you must burn off this muscle glycogen first before reaching your fat storages. When you start to strength train your body moves to an anaerobic state of exercise (little or no oxygen), therefore limiting the total amount of fat you burn. Remember, to burn fat optimally you need oxygen! There are many exercises and sports are both aerobic and anaerobic, but in most cases weight training, especially with heavy weights, is generally anaerobic. That is why you must consider this factor when developing or following a program. Your intensity level will also naturally be decreased because you have used up energy during aerobic activity which in turn will reduce the amount of testosterone your body produces because there is a direct correlation between intensity of training with testosterone production, part of the reason why working out your legs is so important when trying trying to gain strength & power. These factors will then affect how quickly you gain strength and produce Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption E.P.O.C. (E.P.O.C. is what makes weight bearing exercises a great fat burner, studies show you continue to burn calories after you lift weights for up to 72 hours!) If you perform strength training before aerobic activity you burn off all the muscle glycogen stores and circulating carb's in your blood during training. This sets your body up to be a strictly fat burning machine during the time you devote to aerobic exercise (oxygen required activity) because there is nothing left to burn except fat. This is taking into account you know what heart rate zone you should be exercising in to optimize fat loss. In addition, your workouts will be more intense because your energy levels are higher creating even greater E.P.O.C. For those people that are already have advanced exercise training (Collegiate athletes) or gym experience a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise that stresses heart levels both above and below your anaerobic threshold should be performed. The recommendation made above is focused on those people with beginners to novice level gym experience. Once your knowledge is advanced change in workouts and movements should be made. Follow this link to FITNESS PROGRAMS BROOKLYN, NY to take a look at a pre-season micro-cycle of training that gives you a variety of exercises that are sport specific movements, flexibility & balance training, increasing power, strength training, and plyometrics.
Once you have the basics mastered you can learn about high interval intensity training, plyometrics, and other advanced multi-functional exercises. All bets are off once you graduate from a beginner... you need to try new things and vary the types of exercise to maximize results. Remember to always keep your intensity high, go hard or don't go at all! Follow this link about WEIGHT-LOSS BROOKLYN, NY to calculate your BMI and find out how to reach those weight-loss and aesthetic goals! You can check and see if your insurance covers any of your desired services.
One of the most important meals is the one you consume after working out, especially right after the type of combined training described above. Bodybuilders might tell you the absolute importance of protein when working out, and even though bodybuilders have a larger need to gain lean muscle mass the need for proper low glycemic index carbohydrates containing fiber and a combination of essential fatty acids. You can learn more about NUTRITION BROOKLYN, NY; follow that link to my blogs about nutrition and wellness,
Remember that nutrition is about making permanent lifestyle changes, not short term "FAD" diets. For in depth NUTRITION AND WELLNESS PROGRAMS BROOKLYN, NY follow that link to see structured programs that educate you on how to lose the weight and keep it off instead of following a list of pre-made "diet" foods filled with artificial and suspect ingredients or unsafe crash dieting plans that end up just making your weight yo-yo. Work hard or go home! GOOD LUCK!
Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.
Burn Fat,
Exercise Physiology,
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Living in a Toxic Enviromnent, Detoxification Brooklyn, Treatment of Toxins Brooklyn
Here's some disturbing info, World-wide health authorities (WHO 1974, Florence, Italy) estimate that at least 90% of all chronic diseases can be attributed to environmental pollution in one way or another. Heavy metals, pesticides, unwanted prescription medication, food products, and other toxins are the major source for the production of free radicals as well as undermining body chemistry.
Environmental pollutants reduce the efficacy of medical treatment. There is little hope for nutritional supplements to do their job properly if the body is burdened with toxins!
The success of any therapy depends on a correct diagnosis. Before a diagnosis can be given a doctor must take into account all potential factors. Sometimes doctors and research don't take into account the simplest factors that exist because they are practically impossible to objectively measure all at once: ENVIRONMENTAL AND PHYSICAL TOXICITY, STRESS, ENERGY, NUTRITION, AND EMOTIONS But you ask any doctor and they well tell you these are the most important factors!
Studies on toxicity have shown that environmental factors rank high among the causes of acute and chronic diseases. This means, heavy metals and environmental pollutants play a particular role. Think about the air you breathe in New York City, what happened physically to the hero's, the 911 first responders? Having entered the human e.g. via air pollutants, food items, amalgam fillings, and water supply the rates of their absorption will depend on what you do to counteract it and how often you are subjected to these substances.
Body toxicity in relation to causing diseases has been estimated, unfortunately no precise studies exist to date. As early 1974, at a medical congress organized by the World Health Organization in Florence/Italy, environmental contamination was being considered as a cause for many diseases. The controversial topic of mercury amalgam fillings is a no brainer for me even with few "scientific studies" to validate a claim. You have mercury in your teeth, which is a substance that can be a liquid at room temperature, when you drink something hot you don't think there is some type of bodily reaction going on over time? If it's mercury and your body, they should not mix.
No one can eliminate all toxins from there body nor can keep themselves completely free from absorbing whats around you.. alcohol.. prescription pills..THE WATER!
NYC is a city where everyone wants everything done yesterday, in the fast paced world of "eat and run" there has been a trend for the food industry companies to make foods that require little effort or time.
Most of these prepared or semi- prepared meals in a box contain preservatives, colorings and other additives that make things like 'macaroni and cheese' taste better and increase shelf life. Unfortunately many of these additives may have serious side effects that consumers should be aware of. Here is a small list of the more common preservatives in foods.
Aspartame (artificial sweetener, Equal or Nutra-Sweet)
Aspartame is used as a sugar substitute in many "diet" drinks and sweets. Its made of amino acids, methanol (a known poison) and phenylalanine.
BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroyandisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
BHA and BHT keep foods containing oils and fats from going rancid. The WHO (World Heath Organization) considers them carcinogens. BHA and BHT are not necessary in foods and can be avoided by safer chemicals like Vitamin E. These additives are found in potato chips, cereal, crackers and Quaker Granola Bars to name a few.
Colorings (Blue 1 and 2; Red 2,3 and 40; Yellow 5 and 6)
Red 3 has caused thyroid tumors in rats, according to the FDA, which has recommended that the coloring be BANNED. Yellow 5 has been known to cause mild allergies in aspirin sensitive people. Yellow 6 may have links to cancer and tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney and may also cause allergic reaction. Most food dyes are found in junk food, candies, Kraft Dinner and soft drinks. Maraschino cherries, found in fruit cocktails, contain Red 3.
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
MSG is an amino acid that brings out the flavor by activating taste buds, allowing food producers to reduce the amount of real flavorings or ingredients, making it cheaper to produce.
Reactions can include headaches, nausea, burning sensations in the back of the neck, wheezing and difficulty breathing, all of which are increased in the situation of an allergy. MSG is not hard to find. Many Asian and non-Asian restaurants use it! Is that why dim sum is sooo good? It's also commonly found in soups (Campbell's uses it frequently), salad dressings, chips, frozen dinners, and HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein). MSG has been proven to be a NEUROTOXIN: That means that is causes NERVE DEATH when used for long periods of time.
No one can eliminate all toxins from their environment, but everyone can decrease the accumulation of these substances by just reading the ingredient list on your foods.... You can also naturally cleanse your body by following DETOXIFICATION PROTOCOL :) Happy eating!
Environmental pollutants reduce the efficacy of medical treatment. There is little hope for nutritional supplements to do their job properly if the body is burdened with toxins!
The success of any therapy depends on a correct diagnosis. Before a diagnosis can be given a doctor must take into account all potential factors. Sometimes doctors and research don't take into account the simplest factors that exist because they are practically impossible to objectively measure all at once: ENVIRONMENTAL AND PHYSICAL TOXICITY, STRESS, ENERGY, NUTRITION, AND EMOTIONS But you ask any doctor and they well tell you these are the most important factors!
Studies on toxicity have shown that environmental factors rank high among the causes of acute and chronic diseases. This means, heavy metals and environmental pollutants play a particular role. Think about the air you breathe in New York City, what happened physically to the hero's, the 911 first responders? Having entered the human e.g. via air pollutants, food items, amalgam fillings, and water supply the rates of their absorption will depend on what you do to counteract it and how often you are subjected to these substances.
Body toxicity in relation to causing diseases has been estimated, unfortunately no precise studies exist to date. As early 1974, at a medical congress organized by the World Health Organization in Florence/Italy, environmental contamination was being considered as a cause for many diseases. The controversial topic of mercury amalgam fillings is a no brainer for me even with few "scientific studies" to validate a claim. You have mercury in your teeth, which is a substance that can be a liquid at room temperature, when you drink something hot you don't think there is some type of bodily reaction going on over time? If it's mercury and your body, they should not mix.
No one can eliminate all toxins from there body nor can keep themselves completely free from absorbing whats around you.. alcohol.. prescription pills..THE WATER!
NYC is a city where everyone wants everything done yesterday, in the fast paced world of "eat and run" there has been a trend for the food industry companies to make foods that require little effort or time.
Most of these prepared or semi- prepared meals in a box contain preservatives, colorings and other additives that make things like 'macaroni and cheese' taste better and increase shelf life. Unfortunately many of these additives may have serious side effects that consumers should be aware of. Here is a small list of the more common preservatives in foods.
Aspartame (artificial sweetener, Equal or Nutra-Sweet)
Aspartame is used as a sugar substitute in many "diet" drinks and sweets. Its made of amino acids, methanol (a known poison) and phenylalanine.
BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroyandisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene)
BHA and BHT keep foods containing oils and fats from going rancid. The WHO (World Heath Organization) considers them carcinogens. BHA and BHT are not necessary in foods and can be avoided by safer chemicals like Vitamin E. These additives are found in potato chips, cereal, crackers and Quaker Granola Bars to name a few.
Colorings (Blue 1 and 2; Red 2,3 and 40; Yellow 5 and 6)
Red 3 has caused thyroid tumors in rats, according to the FDA, which has recommended that the coloring be BANNED. Yellow 5 has been known to cause mild allergies in aspirin sensitive people. Yellow 6 may have links to cancer and tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney and may also cause allergic reaction. Most food dyes are found in junk food, candies, Kraft Dinner and soft drinks. Maraschino cherries, found in fruit cocktails, contain Red 3.
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
MSG is an amino acid that brings out the flavor by activating taste buds, allowing food producers to reduce the amount of real flavorings or ingredients, making it cheaper to produce.
Reactions can include headaches, nausea, burning sensations in the back of the neck, wheezing and difficulty breathing, all of which are increased in the situation of an allergy. MSG is not hard to find. Many Asian and non-Asian restaurants use it! Is that why dim sum is sooo good? It's also commonly found in soups (Campbell's uses it frequently), salad dressings, chips, frozen dinners, and HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein). MSG has been proven to be a NEUROTOXIN: That means that is causes NERVE DEATH when used for long periods of time.
No one can eliminate all toxins from their environment, but everyone can decrease the accumulation of these substances by just reading the ingredient list on your foods.... You can also naturally cleanse your body by following DETOXIFICATION PROTOCOL :) Happy eating!
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