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Come to our patient appreciation day on October 22 from 12pm-4pm and enjoy lunch on us! Feel free to bring a friend or loved one, goto PATIENT APPRECIATION LUNCHEON for details. Get your questions answered and meet the doctors.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brooklyn Back and Neck Pain, Sciatica Brooklyn, Herniated Disc Brooklyn

A disc herniation is a common problem associated with trauma or repetitive injury to the vertebral disc of the spine. The disc is designed to act as a shock absorber of the body through the use of a gel like liquid in the middle of the disc that helps dissipate the force and energy that occurs through axial loading or any type of manual work that requires the use of the spine. A disc herniation occurs when the gel like portion (The nucleus pulposes) escapes from the disc; this gel like liquid is extremely irritating to any body part it touches, especially nerves and muscles. Disc herniations usually cause tremendous pain, abnormal gait, numbness and/or tingling, possible muscle weakness, and overall poor standard of living. Most people who suffer from chronic discogenic (Herniation) pain will end up opting for surgery to solve the seemingly never ending cycle of pain. Once the disc herniates it is theorized that the disc can never be as strong as it was, although plenty of research supports that proper treatment can ensure that pain does not reoccur and that one can lead a perfectly normal active life. In order for this to happen the person must always be conscious of their posture and bio mechanics, maintain flexibility, and perform basic rehabilitation exercises for the rest of their life. That it is part of the reason why so many people fail at maintaining a pain free life after a disc herniation, they stop doing the exercises and stretching after the pain goes away. Pain is a poor indicator of a condition such as a disc herniation because once the pain goes away it does not mean the area is fully healed. In fact its during this time that rehabilitation is most crucial and re-injury is common. Once an area of your body is subjected to multiple injuries it is harder for that area to heal after the initial injury due to scar tissue formation, improper mechanics, and weak muscles; if improper rehabilitation was followed. Click on the link for more information regarding proper treatment of DISC HERNIATIONS BROOKLYN, NY. To check and see if insurance covers your PAIN MANAGEMENT BROOKLYN, NY, we can help, follow the link or call 800.980.9172

The most common way to herniate a disc for people is bending over to pick something up from the ground and the most common age for this to occur is between the ages of 21-50. Proper postural training, flexibility training, and core stabilization will help prevent or treat this problem. One type of cutting edge technology used to treat disc herniation's is spinal decompression therapy. Decompression Therapy is done by reducing pressure on spinal vertebrae, discs, and nerves by decompressing the spine. A computerized traction device alleviates pressure of joints, discs, and nerves. Decompression therapy causes a negative pressure within the spinal disc or “vacuum effect” that sucks any bulging material back into place. In addition, it is this “vacuum effect” that allows crucial nutrients to be ‘sucked’ back into the disc allowing it to heal optimally. If you are interested in decompression therapy or if your insurance covers any of these services including decompression, chiropractic, and massage Click HERE...

You can also find out more about Dr. Gordon Kuang and the services he offers by visiting his main WEBSITE

Dr. Gordon Kuang C.S.C.S.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Brooklyn Chiropractor - Treatment of Pain - Back Pain - Neck Pain - Nutrition, Brooklyn - Decompression Therapy

For more information regarding nutrition, pain management including: Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, numbness/tingling, chronic stiffness, herniated discs, arthritis, sports injury, sprain/strain, shoulder pain, and all other pain related issues; please visit

Please feel free to email with any questions related to overall health and wellness... To see if your health insurance covers MASSAGE OR CHIROPRACTIC please follow the link and fill out the data collection section and a staff member will check your insurance coverage and then I will follow up with you personally. Or call 800.980.9172 to speak to some one now!

Dr. G